Friday, February 17, 2012

Much Needed Weekend!

This weekend couldn't have come faster. Tomorrow my family is coming to see me, and my precious Godchild Braden is going to stay with me in my dorm and I cannot wait! He is quite the charmer, and this dorm has 520 girls!! He is going to be in his element haha! My family is staying in a hotel so we will get to go swimming!! One of my very favorite things to do =)

God has continued to put amazing people in my life. I am so overwhelmingly blessed by the way he is working in my heart, and by showing me how he is working in other people. I have definitely had personal growth, along with being able to watch others that I am very close to, grow as well. God is so amazing and so wonderful. A lot of people ask me if I am scared for my surgery this summer. My response is always "no." It will continue to be no. I put all my faith and trust in God. He is the one who is in charge and in control of my life and what happens, not me. I can either sit here, worry and have a heart attack over it, or I can give it to God and be at peace in knowing that he is in control and he already has it covered. God is cool like that =). So no, I am not scared. God already knows what will happen, and he has a plan. People also tell me I am strong. Well thank you, that means a lot to me, it really does, but all of that strength comes from God. Without him I am no one at all. I have no strength without the Lord because he IS my strength. I do not have to dwell on the bad things in life. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 46:10 Be Still and know that I am God. I love that verse, because God has it all under control. My life is anything but easy, but with God, it is all possible. He is the author of my days, and the lover of my soul. Why would I need to worry?  =) I'm so glad that he has it all figured out because I sure don't. Glad someone does! haha

Recently one of my friends who I have been praying for a lot, is coming to know the Lord, so praise God for that!

Have a safe and wonderful weekend everyone! I love you all! As always, thank you for reading my blog and keeping up with my hectic life!! God bless you, and thank you for your prayers!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Busy Week

I have been really busy lately, therefore neglected to post. 19 credits can be extremely time consuming. Anyway, hello everyone. Many of you know that from the doctor, I got the results so many of you (thank you) were praying for. I will have surgery in May, I will have a full sternal split, which is the same process as open heart surgery. My thymus glad, and thymoma (tumor on thymus gland) will be removed. A needle biopsy proved impossible due to the location, so looking at the shape of it, they are going to trust that it is cancer free. In preparation for my surgery, I will undergo IVIG treatment, which is a therapy that will strengthen my lungs, therefore reducing the risk that I will go into respiratory failure. People with my disease do not do well in surgery because of weak lungs. If I do not have this therapy, there is a chance that I will end up in the ICU on a breathing machine and have a lung infection, do not want that, therefore I will be going thru lung treatments before the surgery. I do not know the specific date of my surgery but it will be sometime around May 15th. It will be at Southdale hospital in Edina MN. I will be in the hospital about 3 days if no complications arise. Will let u know more on that as it gets closer. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support. I will post a picture of my chest scan below so you can see my tumor.

                 The two white masses in the middle of my chest that look like a butt, is my tumor. The black is my lung cavity, you can also see my ribs on the outside. I thought this was fascinating.

School has been very busy, I have had a lot of stressful events in my life lately. My RA Jessica was wonderful this week. I had a complete breakdown and she was there to help me through it. She made me feel so much better. I mention the RA's a lot in my posts, but they are simply wonderful, and I cannot nor would I want to imagine my freshman year without them.

Well Valentines day is on Tuesday. I am sad that I will not get to be with my Valentine. He will be here in spirit. He also told me he sent me something special in the mail =). Cannot wait to get it!!

Tuesday is the one year anniversary of the day my Nana flew home to be with Jesus. It will be tough, but peaceful knowing she is home with her family in Heaven. She is celebrating with her husband, my grandpa Walter. Cannot believe it has been a year already. Wow how time flies.

Well thats all I have time for now, but I love all of you so much, I love all your wonderful comments, please feel free to message me on facebook anytime as well! I love hearing from you!! Much love to you all and God bless you!!

Friday, February 3, 2012


My faith has definitely been tested this week. It was a rough one, extremely stressful, and lots of tough things happening. I met a wonderful wonderful friend this week, sadly we will be apart as she will be leaving Winona. God has truly blessed me in such a short amount of time. What an amazing gift she is to me. I love her so much. Sometimes friends come into our lives for a short time, but leave a lasting impact.
           I am home now, as I will have my appointment and biopsy of the mass in my chest on Monday. Am I scared? I would be lying if I said no. I am giving it all to God, and relying on him. It will all work out.
          I have been living on Faith. God has a plan for me, and he will do what is meant to be. I just need to keep believing that as hard as it is sometimes. 

As Jeremiah 29:11 says

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.