Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A lot going on

Hey everyone. Sorry it has been a few days, I have not been feeling so hot. Cold and Flu season is in full swing at Winona. I have been extremely weak lately, but that usually happens when I am sick. I felt a lot better today then yesterday. I had a 103.1 fever last night, but when I woke up this morning it had went way down. Not quite sure what was going on with that. I have been very stressed, but I have managed to keep up with everything, praise God for that. My close friends Courtney and Megan lost their grandpa this morning so please keep them in your prayers. I am looking to God a lot for strength this week, and thanking him for all he has provided me with, such as wonderful supportive people around me to pick me up when I am down. I have very special friends at Winona who I look up to and who are always here for me. I don't know what I would do without them. My friends Briana and Calli have been especially wonderful this week.
I am very much looking forward to going home for break. I miss my family very much. I will get to see my grandma from Iowa who I have not seen since before my uncle Darren died. It will be nice to see her. I will also get to spend some very special time with my sister Ashley that I am much looking forward to that very much, as she is so special to me. Well I hope everyone is avoiding getting sick and staying well as Thanksgiving is fast approaching!! Love you all, God bless <3


  1. Sorry for the FLU BUG!!! Hope you are better today and can concentrate on school. Yes, Thanksgiving will be a wonderful time to connect with your family. Hope the grandma from Iowa feels the love from her special family. J&W will be with us for Thanksgiving and we are so thankful for that. Enjoy TURKEY DAY,,,love gram

  2. You spelled his name wrong, it's Darin, not Darren....
