Wow seems like its been forever since I have entered in my blog, I have been so crazy busy!! It has definitely been non-stop since I have been home. I had my doctors appointment, which went fantastic, I won't say all that happened because all of you that read my blog have seen my Facebook. I will however post a link at the end of my blog if you want a better explanation of what I was diagnosed with. The article I found does a pretty good job of explaining it. Monday I had a CT scan of my chest, because 25% of people with MG have tumors on their thymus called Thymomas. They are usually benign, but can be cancerous. I am praying that I do not have that, otherwise they will need to crack open my chest bone to remove it. I should be getting the results here soon. Since Monday night I have been sick with the Flu. Last night between the hours of 7:30 ( when I went to bed because I couldn't stay awake) and 11:30, I woke up 14 times. I had super bad chills, and a 102.3 fever. Not fun. I am hoping that I am getting better, as I have been extremely weak. With MG its an overproduction of antibodies that attack your muscles, and when you are sick, your body has even more antibodies, so I am extremely weak. My poor mom who was up with me all night, had to help me just roll over. Between me being sick, and Ashley just getting her wisdom teeth out yesterday, my mom is how you would say very "frazzled." She's a trooper!
I have been praying a lot lately. Praising God for good news, and praying for no tumors on my chest. He is extremely faithful, and has a special plan for my life. I rely completely on him.
Thank you so much everyone for all of the kind words I have received, and thank you all for your
Here is a link explaining my new diagnosis
Copy and paste in your search bar.
Kind of a long entry.
Love you All!!! <3
Yes, what a time you have had...Dr. appointment and now the FLU. Guess it's better to get it over with before the Holidays. Hoping you are better soon and can enjoy all the lights and sounds of Christmas. I find that many more people are able to wish me a Merry Christmas this year and that makes me happy. I like to see the smile across their faces when I wish them a Merry Christmas,,,it seems that then they feel comfortable doing the same. Merry Christmas to all. Love ya, gram