wow it has definitely been a while. It has been a very busy break! God has definitely continued to have been at work in my life! I just got home from the SALT conference in Sioux Falls SD with my church. That was amazing, God transformed so many lives in those four days, including mine. I heard him speak to me in ways I never have before. I really enjoyed being a part of that.
I had a pretty good Christmas. Seeing how my parents are divorced, I had multiple celebrations with different family. The hard one was going to Iowa to be with my step grandma because her son (my step uncle) passed away three months ago. That was very sad. Otherwise it was a wonderful week seeing and spending time with family. New years was fun as well. I spent it with close friends.
December 19th 2011 I was diagnosed with Myesthenia Gravis (MG). It has definitely been a trial these last few weeks, but my medicine has been working wonderfully! Praise God for that.
Yesterday the doctors found a 1 inch mass in my chest. They are thinking it is a Thymoma which is a tumor on my thymus gland. This may have been causing my MG. In March I will have a biopsy followed by a possible thymectomy (splitting of the sternum and chest bone to remove the thymus.
In April, the 25th - 27th, mom and I are going to the national MG conference in Las Vegas. There will be neurologists and specialists from all over the nation that are specialized in this disesase. I look forward to finding out more about this and how to live with it.
Tomorrow I will return to Winona to start my final semester as a freshman!! I am excited to see everyone, but at the same time, not ready to leave home. I will be taking 18 credits, and student teaching on Mondays so I will be very busy. It will be a semester that I will especially need to rely on God for guidance. Monday's I will leave my dorm at 7am and have things going on until 9:15 at night. YIKES!!
I know this was a long post, but it has been awhile. I want to thank all of you for your continued prayers and support as I am on this kind of a medical roller coaster. Your prayers and love mean the world to me. Also thank you to so many of you for your supportive and loving messages. They give me so much encouragement. I love all of you soo much!!!
God Bless you in this new year!!!
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