Yesterday was an extremely long day, but after all of the electric shocks, needles in my arms and legs, needles, and a rod in my spine to collect 5.5 viles of fluid, and 5 tubes of blood from my arm, I am home and doing well!!! It was a long night, as I am extremely sore, but everything went very well. Now we just wait. The prayers and support I have received have been amazing. Nathan was so sweet, he was there through the entire thing, and he brought me flowers! What a sweetie pie. I will be going home to Winona tomorrow, and Ill be taking it slow as I did just have my spine exposed. It will be okay, I am looking forward to seeing everyone, even though it has only been two days. My sister is sitting next to me and she says hi to everyone. Much love to all of you, and thank you again for all of the prayers and support!!
Flowers from Nathan =)
Right after just getting home =) resting and doing well!!
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL...inside and ya, gram