Wednesday, October 5, 2011

God is Amazing!!!

Wow, what an amazing last few days it has been. The colors are changing and it has been beautiful outside. It makes me happy to be able to see these changes. God is amazing and he created a beautiful world. It's so sad how sin ruins that, but if you take a moment to reflect on that natural beauty of his creation, it is simply breathtaking. Tomorrow morning at 8am I get to have prayer time at church, since I joined the prayer team, and I am so exicted. I am on fire for God this week more than ever! It has been amazing. I have been truly blessed this week with such wonderful things. I continue to meet and become closer to more and more people who are such blessings to me and my life. I cherish all of the friendships I have already made since being here in Winona, and I keep them close to my heart. As I continue to meet more friends, I become that much more blessed. God has shown me amazing things. I met a friend this week who wants to become closer to God, and she asked to go to church with me. It was amazing. God is wonderful in so many ways. Everyday is such a gift, and I just LOVE living!! I get to experience little gifts each day just from seeing my friends, worshiping God, and simply being alive!! =) I hope and pray that you all are having a fantastic week. Also have a wonderful weekend as we are approaching Friday!!! Much love to all <3


  1. Hey sweetie,
    It's so awesome to read about your week. God is truly using you in many ways, and HE is providing you with many wonderful friends. Praying for a good weekend for you and WOW, what a way to start the weekend with PRAYER>>>> love ya, gram

  2. It's Saturday afternoon and we are praising God for what HE is doing in your life....keep smiling ya, gram

  3. Hey girlie, Hope your weekend went well and that you had a good and relaxing time. Walter and Josh were here yesterday and that little guy is so chatty...walks and talks with Papa just like another old man. Josh and I just stood and laughed. W chatters constantly....Just wanted to chat a bit with you...we are so proud of you and love you, Alyssa. Gram

  4. Hey girlie,
    Knowing that you have an upcoming test on Friday, we just want you to know that we are praying for health, good results and a speedy recovery. Keep us posted ya, gram
