Saturday, June 15, 2013

Reality Check

Okay so I know it has been like six months since I have posted anything, but life has been crazy! Whose isn't?! =)

I just recently finished my sophomore year which was insane because I was convinced finals would kill me. They didn't =). That came along with a lot of praying, studying and of course, crossing fingers. However, I did finish school and it is now summer =) I work quite a bit at Foursquare daycare and I love every minute of it. My staff is amazing and so supportive of everything that has been going on in life. They are like my second family. This job is definitely a Godsend.

As for health related issues, things have not been going so well. My Myasthenia Gravis has really been trying to kick me these last six months. I still take medicine every three hours to manage symptoms but that really does nothing as far as the progression of my disease. I started a treatment two weeks ago, cell infusions, that were supposed to knock out the bad cells in my body. That was expected to sustain my life for awhile. However, we had to stop halfway through the treatment because of high fevers and tremendous pain. We determined that night that I had developed Aseptic Meningitis which is a swelling of the brain and spinal chord. It was excruciating. I was in and out of the hospital the next few days. Because of my MG there is not a whole lot they can give me for pain. The prayers I received were wonderful, they helped a lot. My work was super understanding as well. Again, God works out the details.
As far as treatment goes now, there are not really a whole lot of options left. They are going to make a steroid for me, yes make ($$$) a steroid from whats missing in the contents of my blood to see if that will help.
We do not really know what the future holds in store for me, but thankfully God does. My doctor just told me to live one day at a time and to enjoy everything to the fullest and I intend to do that =). Even though it is really hard and physically painful sometimes, I really do enjoy my life. I thank God for everything he has carried me through.
My friends and family have been absolutely wonderful. I have some really great friends who are here for me everyday and encourage me from the second I wake up all the way until I go to sleep. My parents are wonderful as well. This is a very scary journey and each step is unknown, but it brings me unspeakable peace to know that I am not taking those steps alone. So thank you soooooo much to Kayla who is here for me every single day, Kacie who sat with me when I was so sick, Nathan and Cassie who came to my treatments and to my parents who believe in me and love me no matter what the doctor says is going to happen.
My eyes have really been opened to a new appreciation for my life. I have really learned just how fragile it is and how close I have come to losing it so many times. It is very scary to be 20 years old and to have to think about things that 70/80 year olds do on a daily basis but whenever God calls me I will be ready. Until then, I will keep fighting every day here and will keep going as long as I can =) I intend to stay in school until I can't anymore, my doctor would prefer me to not go back but I am 100% determined to be a teacher. If not be one, at least accomplish graduating with my degree. SO I will go as long as I can =)

SO with that being said, I just will continue to hold my head high. Just going to keep living life and praising Jesus with everything I have in me. I was given this life for a reason, and I choose to be blessed. <3

Love you all so much, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the continued prayers, support and love. My family and I really appreciate it all.
God Bless <3

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