Saturday, August 4, 2012

This life is.

Wow does time ever fly. Summer is almost over, and school starts in three weeks!! As I sit here tonight blasting worship music (a daily occurrence), I am reflecting on my summer. It has been a challenging, scary but simply amazing one. I think I have learned more this summer than I have in a long time. About myself that is. I know, summer time is supposed to be a break from learning right? Well not this one. God has shown me many things. I have learned what it really truly means to put all my faith and trust in him. That is exactly what I intend to do this year as I will face many obstacles ahead. I was talking to one of my best friends today and she said this year is going to be a "roller coaster." Yes it probably will be, but with God all around me, its going to be the ride of my life as I let him use me for what he wants to and I will allow him to fully work through me. It may be a roller coaster, but we serve an amazing God who never fails through the ups OR the downs. It's not always easy but everything that happens is always according to God's plan. I have learned from every single hard time, every challenge and every trial. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said "I gain strength, courage and confidence by every tough experience."

This year I am definitely looking forward to growing more in my faith, making lots of new  and being able to bring them to church and lead them to God.
“Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.’ But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? Romans 10:13-15 

I pray that through the trials in my life, I can help others realize that I get through it simply by the grace of God. He is the reason I am still here and the reason I live this life. 

This life is....
Challenging, scary at times, unknown, beautiful, and WORTH IT! I would not change one thing I have gone through because every single thing has brought me that much closer to God. It is worth it. Being able to tell others about his love, there is nothing better. In just a few short weeks I'll return to Winona State, and I intend to do just that, tell others about 
God's love. <3
God bless
 I love each and every one of  you

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