Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Getting Adjusted

Well I am here and all moved in. I had dinner with my floor of my residence hall. It was fun, and I met some nice people. My anxiety level is still extremely high. I met my RA and she's really nice. She's super supportive. Everyone here has been so welcoming. Tomorrow orientation starts at 9am. We are going to have tours and more meetings. Tonight they are showing a movie for everyone on campus for everyone. I am still very nervous. It's been fun so far but a little weird.


  1. Hey girliefriend, Papa and I are thinking of you and praying that you are doing ok tonight. We are so supportive of whatever you do. We pray that others will come forward to help you with your situation. We can only pray that Disability Services will be there to help you. They are there for you Alyssa. You will not be the first one that needs their services and that is why they are there. We pray that you will get connected with the right people and they will begin assisting you. Mom said there was a mix-up with some of your classes and that you are working on getting that straightened out. WOW, one thing on top of another....well, at least one day down......each day will get better. Papa and I are very proud of you no matter what you select to do. We know where your heart is at and we are so proud. Love ya

  2. Hey Alyssa! Keep this blog thing going, it's pretty neat. To this day, I remember my first two nights of college; I remember them so well it is like they happened yesterday. I could tell you every trinket on every shelf, where the beds were, which sheets were on and which bedspread was on them, what I wore, the car I drove. Weird huh? Course everything from there on out is a complete blur because of all the alcohol and drugs. Just kidding!!
    What I am getting at is that you and your body are on hyper alert. Every single thing you are doing is new. Let's face it, we as human beings are creatures of habit. When something changes, it usually affects us. Now think of this, EVERYTHING for you you has changed. Except for the clothes on your back, there is nothing similar about today as compared to last Tuesday. So your body is going to react, and react dramatically. Some react and respond more than others.
    I am telling you this from first-hand experience; it will absolutely get better and it will become your home. These will be your lifelong friends and colleagues, mentors and counselors. Also remember this; in the end, a schedule snaffu or a bad grade or even a bad semester, will mean very little. You will run across all three and possibly all three at the same time; it is but a speed bump on the road to success and happiness. Above all else, have fun!!
